Sunday, March 29, 2009

Everybody wants to say Hi!

So what's going on at our house? Well, Springtime is definitely here-we're almost into summer. It's been 70 degrees most days-the kids think that it's warm enough for the pool, but it really needs to stay above 80 for a few days so we can get in the water. Justin is doing really well at Kindergarten, Hayden is great at Preschool and Benjamin is talking up a storm. Chris, Justin and Hayden are all in Karate (Chris and Justin are purple belts and Hayden is yellow) and I'm in a local orchestra. We have managed to schedule out most of our time (is that necessarily a good thing?), but do make it through every week with very few trips to the hospital, so I guess we're doing okay!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Shopping during Triple coupon week

This week has been crazy-amazing for grocery shopping. One of the local grocery stores in my area has been TRIPLING coupon values (-so a .50 coupon becomes $1.50, etc.) and it is Christmas every day this week at the grocery store. I also have a good group of friends that are pretty savvy with Q's and have learned through them how to find the "screamin' deals". As Dave Ramsey says, "You need to make every penny scream-you're pinchin' so hard!" Well, here's to a loud change purse!

The grocery week ends on Tuesday, but I'm not so sure I'll be coming back at the end-given my Blogging track record, so I thought that I'd share how well I've done so far.

Here's the bottom line: I have spent at the store this week (so far) $61.51. I have SAVED $488.25. That's an 88.5% savings. Really.

Here's some of the highlights:

  • 24 boxes of cereal, free which when I bought them gave me coupons for

  • 7 free gallons of milk-that was great!

  • 24 jars of Ragu at .22/jar

  • Dole fruit cups (4 pack) for .35/pack

  • free rice, free rice and free rice (I haven't gotten all of mine yet)

You know how Dorothy skips down the yellow brick road? That's how I've felt after every trip to the grocery store! I really feel that if you're looking for ways to cut back on your budget, this is where it's at. Those silly little things. Now, it's not always this good-but I average (on a regular week) about 70% savings over retail. My stores double coupons up to .50-.55 regularly. I know that other areas don't double Q's very often, but you can still knock out about 50% with coupons-probably more.

I put in a picture of what I've gotten so far-minus the frozen and refrigerated goods. Before coupons, my weekly budget was $250. Now it's $50, and, with the exception of "Triples week" I rarely if ever go over.

So there you go! I hope you've enjoyed it! It's midnight and the Kollers have all turned into pumpkins and I would like to join them ;)

Until some other time...